Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What's missing from Wikipedia?

V chip- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V-chip

A main component missing from this wiki entry is the history of the technology. There is nothing describing the social, political, or economic context of the technology and why it was invented in the first place. This would be a very key concept to add to this page

More missing information includes detailed information about the controversy. There are many pros and cons listed, but it is not described in much depth.

There could also be much more information about the Vchip internationally. There is an external link to a site talking about it, but it is not included on wikipedia.

There were not many related sites that were relevant to the nature of this project so I focused more on this single article.


  1. Danielle,

    I agree that there should be much more historical background about the V-chip and how it originally became implemented. We could also go through a timeline (like the one listed on the FCC website) about how specific policies of the v-chip were passed throughout the years.

    We could also go into further depth about the controversy behind the v-chip and expand off of what information is already on the site.

    Good job!

  2. Danielle,

    I completely agree with your thoughts on adding to Wikipedia. I definitely felt that the controversy portion of the site could be amended for the better. It is fine to list proponents and opponents, but if there is very little information to back up the claims, it is of very little help to anyone looking to further understand the topic.

    The article is also lacking in the historical context, as you said, which I find odd. I would think that this would be something major to incorporate, so we should work to fix this.

    Your comment about the international component was interesting. When looking at the edited page history on the actual Wikipedia article, I noticed that one user wrote an extensive bit on the difference between American and Canadian technologies, though it seems to be removed from the actual viewable page. Incorporating more information on this would be beneficial.

    :)Great thoughts!
